Why a 400 year perspective is right for you and your company or organization and can allow us to have those benefits in our lifetime...
- The advent of cheap, universal computing power, software and communications provides the basis for extraordinary advances in a short period of time--ones that would normally take over 400 years to accomplish. Developing and organizing new information will be a critical breakthrough area.
- Not everything can progress at 20 times the normal rate. You should focus on the areas that can do so, and be able to identify others for different improvement processes.
- By thinking about what areas can be changed now by enormous amounts, you will escape the inherent limitations solely following more incremental approaches like continuous improvement and reengineering.
- If you ignore this perspective, you will be missing your largest potential areas for improvement.
- Although we are looking far into the future, we are planning to implement changes in the next 20 years (some can be implemented immediately).
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