We need your thoughts on these questions We are also asking you for deeper insights into these stalls. Your responses will be kept confidential, unless you give us permission to use them on an attributed basis. However, if we directly use your ideas we will recognize you for them. Personal information is optional. 1. Can you think of other factors that might have caused these stalls? 2. Do you have any ideas that might have been used as solutions to reduce the negative effects of the stalls or promote positive effects in other areas? 3. Are there any other types or categories of stalls that you can think of that we have not included? 4. Have there been any significant stalls in your company or organization that you would be willing to share with us? If so, what have you done to deal with them? 5. Are there other questions you feel we should pose here? 6. Do you have any other questions or comments to share with us? 7. Your own idea for a stall. Your Name: Company Name: Address: City, State, ZIP: Phone Number: Fax: E-mail Address: A General Message: How did you hear about us? © 1996 Mitchell and Company | E-mail | Legal© 1996 Developed by Interactive Media Advertising Group, Inc.
We need your thoughts on these questions
We are also asking you for deeper insights into these stalls. Your responses will be kept confidential, unless you give us permission to use them on an attributed basis. However, if we directly use your ideas we will recognize you for them. Personal information is optional.
1. Can you think of other factors that might have caused these stalls?
2. Do you have any ideas that might have been used as solutions to reduce the negative effects of the stalls or promote positive effects in other areas?
3. Are there any other types or categories of stalls that you can think of that we have not included?
4. Have there been any significant stalls in your company or organization that you would be willing to share with us? If so, what have you done to deal with them?
5. Are there other questions you feel we should pose here?
6. Do you have any other questions or comments to share with us?
7. Your own idea for a stall.
A General Message:
How did you hear about us?
© 1996 Mitchell and Company | E-mail | Legal